In Japanese gastronomy, the most important component is what is known as the "kire-aji," literally, "cut-taste," which could perhaps be translated as the texture of the slicing in English. In order to achieve perfect "kiri-aji," Japanese masters use a different blade for each category of food.
The Japanese version of a chef's knife, but with a thinner blade than in the West. Originally used for meat, but quite versatile. The point is used for precision work and the heel for chopping. Indispensable in Europe, it comes in many different sizes, 18 cm to 30 cm.
This is the versatile “household” kitchen knife, used for three (“san”) things : meat, fish and vegetables. Generally 15 to 18 cm long. The point has a rounded back.
A paring knife, for peeling. The larger, 15-cm version is used for general work.
A knife for slicing, with a long, narrow, thin blade. It is also used to trim meat.
A single-bevel knife with a long, narrow blade, used specifically for fish, to cut sashimi and sushi.
A knife for cutting vegetables, with a thin, rectangular blade.
Heavy and wide, 13.5 cm to 22 cm long with a single bevel. It is used to filet fish and cut their heads off cleanly, and sometimes also for chopping.
(Ryodeba: the Western version, with no bevel)
More precisely, a kakugata usuba, from the Kanto area. The rectangular blade is thicker than that of the nakiri, and while it is used in the same way, the work is more precise thanks to the single bevel.
A knife originally for deboning poultry. It has a thick, triangular blade and a very fine point.
A Chinese-style cleaver that is around 20 cm long and 10 cm wide, relatively slim. It is used to cut vegetables quickly.
This category contains more specialized and unusual knives, such as Sakimarus, Takobikis, Kiritsukes, Menkiris and Pankiris.
Traditional, 100% steel, thumb-opened small knives and other folding knives.
A selection of fixed blades for use or collection.
Our selection of corkscrews and blades for florists.
Boxed sets of knives, chosen by us with care, as a gift for someone special, or for yourself!